Gardeners Question Time

  • 4 June 2021 4:54 pm


‘Full of advice that will keep things perky all year round’
– Mail on Sunday

Gardeners’ Question Time
Plant Chooser by John Cushnie, Bob Flowerdew, Matthew Biggs & Bunny Guinness

Publishing in paperback February 2008 priced £16.99

When walking around the garden centre this spring, wouldn’t it be nice to have a few friendly personal recommendations from trusted, old friends as to which plants they love and would choose themselves?

Of course it would. So whether you want the right plants for the right place, or you’re working towards having a gorgeous garden the whole year round with an exciting display for every month of the year, the GQT Plant Chooser provides a fun, friendly yet comprehensive perspective and calendar of over 700 plants at their best season by season.

Familiar voices from the world famous BBC Radio 4’s garden show (one of the longest-running programmes in the world with over 2 million listeners, and which celebrated its 60th birthday in April 2007) come together to give you their personal plant selections – these are the plants they have in their own gardens, which tells you how good they are. Inspired by the long running ‘Plant of the Week’ feature they showcase the top flora through the year week-by-week.

• Matt extols the virtues of the hardy deciduous shrub Rhodotypos scandens which will cope with even the worst conditions, flowering cheerfully with clouds of white “butterflies”
• Bob makes a rare GQT defence of the Leylandii explaining its functional brilliance as hedging
• Bunny admires the Lenten rose which isn’t to be missed in March
• And John raptures over the aristocratic Berberis linearifolia Orange King which flowers ‘royally’ with the minimum of attention

The Authors
Matthew Biggs trained at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, writes regularly for Gardeners’ World and lectures around the world. He is the author of Matthew Biggs’s Complete Book of Vegetables, and co-author of GQT Techniques & Tips for Gardeners.
John Cushnie runs his own garden design and contracting company in Northern Ireland, writes for Ireland’s Homes Interiors, the Daily Telegraph and Gardens Illustrated. His previous books include How to Garden, Trees for the Garden, How to Propagate, How to Prune and he is the co-author of GQT Techniques & Tips for Gardeners.

Bob Flowerdew is Britain’s foremost authority on organic gardening. He has been a presenter on BBC TV’s Gardeners’ World and is on the RHS’s approved panel of lecturers. His books include Bob Flowerdew’s Organic Bible, Bob Flowerdew’s Complete Fruit Book, The No-Work Garden, The Gourmet Gardener and Going Organic. He is also co-author of GQT Techniques & Tips for Gardeners.
Bunny Guinness trained as both a horticulturist and a landscape architect and has designed commercial and private spaces throughout Europe and Japan. She has won six gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show and her books include Garden Transformations and Family Gardens.
