Grow Your Own Herbs in Pots

  • 4 June 2021 4:56 pm


Grow Your Own Herbs in Pots
35 simple projects for creating beautiful container herb gardens
Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell
Photography by Heini Schneebeli and Caroline Hughes

Publication Date: February 2010 Price: £14.99, hb, orig.

STOP buying those insipid supermarket pots of basil or cellophane bags of coriander or parsley and grow you own herbs – it’s so easy and SO rewarding!!! Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell shows you how….

Following on from Deborah’s successful title Organic Crops in Pots, CICO books are pleased to announce the publication of Grow Your Own Herbs in Pots.

We are all becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of ‘grow your own’ which not only challenges the domination of supermarket culture by moving away from the processed and packaged, mass produced shopping – but it is also much healthier. Grow Your Own Herbs in Pots is also low maintenance, inexpensive and attractive and appeals to the novice gardener, the small-space gardener and the organic cook.

Grow Your Own Herbs in Pots shows you how to grow herbs from seed and transplant healthy seedlings, and gives useful tips and techniques on how to feed and deal with pests organically as well as a quick reference guide about the easiest herbs to grow, which to grow for colour or scent, and which are the most useful in the kitchen.

Deborah talks about the containers to use – from terracotta pots and window boxes to recycled kitchen containers – and how to prepare the container and plant it up. With over 30 projects, you can follow simple instructions from planting an enamel teapot with mint, a fire grate overflowing with chervil to a wooden wine box for parsley. As well as the familiar everyday herbs, Deborah introduces more unusual varieties, such as lemon balm, lemon verbena and bee balm.

Author Details

Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell originally trained in fine art and is now an award-winning artist who has exhibited widely in Britain and Europe. She has appeared on radio and television and is a frequent contributor to magazines. She has worked widely in art education as a teacher, art advisor and artist in residence. She is the author of Organic Crops in Pots (Feb 2009) and a number of craft books including bestselling Vintage Style Beaded Jewellery, Big Bead Jewellery (Cico Books 2006) and more recently Decorating Eggs and Decorating Pumpkins & Gourds (CICO 2008).

After waiting 18 years for an allotment in North London, within a year of being allocated space, she won an award for “Best Newcomer”. Deborah is also a beekeeper and gardens at her home in London and the Cotswolds.
