VANESSA MARSTON – Sculptor in Bronze

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm


VANESSA MARSTON – Sculptor in Bronze

Vanessa Marston’s sculptures absorb the changing light of the day. As the seasons pass, they take on a changing significance, always giving pleasure. Vanessa produces a range of sculptures in varying sizes and enjoys working to commission. Her work can be cast in many materials but the most popular are bronze and bronze resin which give an air of permanence.

They suit a garden of any size. One or more of these sculptures can be put near a pond for year round interest, or to soften an otherwise hard courtyard area. In a larger garden they can bring life to a wooded corner or can be moved around to suit the mood of the moment.

I have divided the gallery into four sections.

Small Sculptures

This gallery holds my smallest sculptures. Although completely weatherproof some people like to bring them inside in the winter so that they can continue to enjoy seeing them through the year.


Large Collection
This large collection of sculptures are all life size. I built up the collection over several years. The models themselves suggested the poses. Even in my best imaginings I never come up with anything as interesting as what the children unwittingly provide.


Later Figures

These figures have come later in my sculpting career and reflect a maturing of my style and technique. Some of these children presented the opportunity for me to do very exciting poses.


‘Special’ Collection

This Gallery contains many more ambitious sculptures. The Farmer and the Stretching Woman are life size adults which have been particularly successful. The Vulture has an exciting shape and is the only animal in the galleries at present. These sculptures have varied edition numbers also some are only available in bronze. Take care to check the dimensions.



Vanessa Marston Sculptor Gorwell House Goodleigh Road Barnstaple Devon,EX327JP