Introduction to Howard Nurseries

  • 4 June 2021 4:53 pm


The wholesale nursery is located on the gently rolling southern slopes bordering Constable Country between South Norfolk and Suffolk. Soils vary from sandy to medium loam pH 6.5 – 7.6. The prevailing westerly winds never seem to rest and although we are on the ‘dry’ side of the country, rainfall is still about 700mm (30inches) a year.

Howard Nurseries was founded as a partnership in 1969, between David Howard and Nick Kooij, son of a Boskoop Nurseryman. They had a dream, many years of practical experience, a few stock plants and half an acre of poor, rented land.

The nursery has steadily grown and now covers over 150 acres making it one of the foremost perennial producers in Great Britain. Not all the land is used for herbaceous perennial production, as a proportion is either fallow or down to agricultural crops as part of a crop rotation programme. The foundation of the company is built upon David’s passion for service, quality and plant range. Annual production is now in excess of 1,000,000 open ground plants, 900,000 9cm and 300,000 1 and 2litre sized pots. The plant range is constantly expanding and now stands at approximately 1300 varieties.

The nursery employs 35 full-time people plus seasonal staff as required. In April 1999 David became sole owner of the business and since April 2000 has traded as Howard Nurseries Ltd


Howard Nurseries Wortham Diss Norfolk,IP221PX