Field Production

  • 4 June 2021 4:53 pm


Paul Howling, the Open Ground Manager and his team look after approximately 26ha (65acres) of field grown plants. These are based on a 5 row bed system. Plants are annually planted by either planting or dibbling machine.
Open-ground orders are either dug manually or for larger orders by lifting machine. Weed control is an important part of cultivation and a mixture of tractor/ hand hoeing and herbicides are employed.
Many of our plants are closely related to the weeds so selecting herbicides can be difficult.
Land not in cultivation for herbaceous perennials is planted with an arable crop, enabling the use of different herbicides to clean the land.
Irrigation is supplied by 3 boreholes on the nursery and all fields can be irrigated from hydrants in the headlands.


Howard Nurseries Wortham Diss Norfolk,IP221PX