Flower Seeds – Papaver commutatum

  • 2 July 2021 4:54 pm
  • UK - Nationwide
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Papaver commutatum

  • Position: full sun
  • Soil: well-drained, preferably poor soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Hardiness: hardy annual

    The upright stems carrying the flower buds snake up from amongst softly hairy grey-green foliage in summer and split open to reveal deep red petals, each with a black spot at its base. These vibrant flowers form big bowls of colour, and as the petals drop, the ground beneath becomes a vivid carpet.

  • Garden care:They tend to resent root disturbance, so sow shallowly, directly into a well prepared bed in spring and water well. As the seedlings develop, thin them out to 30cm intervals keeping just the healthiest and most robust plants. When watering, give the plants a really thorough soak when the soil gets dry, rather than a little water every day. Dead-heading will prolong the flowering period, but at the end of the season you should let some seed heads to develop for next years crop.
  • Sow: March-May
  • Flowering: June-August
  • Approximate quantity: 500 seeds.


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