East Ruston Old Vicarage

  • 4 June 2021 4:58 pm
  • Norfolk, England


ALAN GRAY and GRAHAM ROBESON would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our garden here at East Ruston Old Vicarage. Because this is our private garden created for our own enjoyment there are no signs to direct you; there is however a map and a key index in our brochure.

When we came here there was no garden whatsoever, it was a blank canvas. This was no bad thing because it afforded us the opportunity to vent our creativity. Every part of the garden was designed entirely by ourselves as were all the various buildings. We have used no outside help and our sole aim has been to try and enhance the setting of our home.

One of our great joys is to see the pleasure that the garden can bring to many of the visitors and that everybody seems to find some part of it that is special to them. Throughout the garden you will see many rare and unusual plants growing. We endeavour to propagate from these in small numbers so that they may be purchased from the plant sales area. Many of these varieties are difficult or slow to increase, hence their rarity, so if you see a plant growing in the garden that you would like, do ask, we may have some tucked away for you to purchase as a souvenir of your time spent here.

The Old Vicarage lies one and a half miles from the North Sea in an exposed prairie landscape containing large arable fields. Many of the wildlife habitats for birds and mammals have long been swept away. We have endeavoured throughout the garden to replace some of these by the planting of mixed hedgerows, banks, wildflower areas and ponds. The soil here is of excellent quality being a light sandy loam with a neutral pH. Due to the maritime influence the garden suffers less from extensive frosts and we have planted large shelter belts of Pinus radiata, the Monterey pine, Alnus cordata, the Italian alder and many eucalypts. This also enhances the garden’s unique micro-climate which enables us to grow such a huge range of plants.









Parts of the Garden to see:
Entrance Court & North Garden
The Dutch Garden
The Kings Walk
Red and Purple Borders/Green Court
The Tree Fern Garden
The Sunk Garden
The Exotic Garden
The West Field & Woodland Garden
The Californian Border & Desert Wash Cornfield
The Mediterranean Garden Apple Walk & Happisburgh Church
Winter Garden & Lighthouse
The East Field & Wildlife Pond Vegetable & Cutting Garden
The Long Borders
The Walled Garden & Wildlife Flower Meadow
The Tea Garden
The House & Garden Nursery
Garden & Plant Sales

Opening Times for 2010. Sunday 28th March to Saturday 30th October.

Admission Prices £6 per person, season tickets £18 per person.
Private visits £12 per person.

