Bradenham Hall Garden and Arboretum

  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm
  • Norfolk, England


An exceptional plant-lover’s garden for all seasons. The house and garden walls are covered with unusual shrubs, climbers and fruit. The flower gardens are formally designed and richly planted within beautiful yew hedges: formal rose gardens, a paved garden, and herbaceous and shrub borders. The arboretum has a remarkable collection of trees – more than 800 different species, many of them rare or very rare. All are labelled. The walled kitchen gardens are traditionally managed, with vegetables, cut flowers, mixed borders, and two glasshouses. In spring, the parkland and arboretum are filled with daffodils – massed plantings of more that 90 carefully chosen and graded cultivars. A delight and an education.


Only open to the public for groups by appointment
Tel 01362 687279



Bradenham Hall Bradenham Thetford Norfolk,IP257QP,Norfolk,England