Sedum Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm


The principal aim of the society is to preserve as many species and hybrids of the genus Sedum and related genera as possible. Ron Evans, our founder and mentor who wrote the Handbook of Cultivated Sedums used to say that the best way of preserving them is to spread cuttings of plants to as many people as possible. You can then beg a piece back if you later lose one. We actively encourage this through the Cuttings Exchange Scheme and Seed Distribution Scheme.

We are an international society publishing Newsletters in October, January, April, and July. We aim to post them at the beginning of the month of publication. To date, we can say, with hands on our hearts, that every Newsletter issued has been distributed on time, with our most distant members receiving copies before the middle of the month of publication. We aim to publish around 100 pages of news and views about Sedoideae each year with colour photographs, maps, sketches, and other illustrations. The Newsletter has articles on every aspect of Sedum: nomenclature, taxonomy, cytology, cultivation, history, medicine, literature, habitat location etc. Although we emphasise genus Sedum, the society covers the closely related genera, including Rhodiola, Hylotelephium, Rosularia, Orostachys, Mucizonia and Sinocrassula. Regular articles appear by recognised authorities in their field such as Henk’t Hart, Gordon Rowley, Charles Uhl and enthusiasts from most continents. Since its launch in 1987, the Newsletter has evolved and grown into an indispensable reference source acquired by a growing number of botanic libraries.

In addition to the newsletter, the facilities offered by the society include the following:
Members send in seed which they have collected during the year. Members also acquire material on offer from botanic gardens throughout the world. We then publish a list of all the seed available, normally in the January newsletter. Members then request seed from the list which is distributed free of charge in the Spring. Organised by Mr. Les Pearcy.
We have produced a list of books, papers and journals owned by members and containing information on Sedum, Members can request a photocopy of relevant parts of any of these for the cost of the photocopying and postage. Organised by Ray Stephenson.
Early in the year, members who wish to participate send in lists of those sedums (and related) plants in their collections which are large enough to allow a few cuttings to be removed without spoiling them. We then return to the participating members a combined list of all of the species and varieties available with the details of the members who offer each one. They may write to any member shown to grow the species and varieties they want and request unrooted cuttings. Not only is this the best and cheapest way in the world to acquire Sedum species, it increases the likelihood of preserving plants in cultivation. Organised by Mr.Ray Stephenson.
Members can send for a list of slides owned by the Society, and may borrow small quantities. The Librarian cares for the Society’s collection of 35mm slides, many of which were taken by Ron Evans and Reid Moran. If you would like a list of the slides available, write to him. He will advise you of the deposit required and the cost of postage should you decide to borrow some slides. Organised by Ray Stephenson.
A list of members is published periodically and distributed with the Newsletter. We find that members have set up a large network of correspondence between each other. Organised by Mr. Les Pearcy.
If you send in a cutting of any Sedum we will do our best to identify it for you. Your Chairman has a most diverse collection of Sedum plants, recognised by the NCCPG as the National Collection of Sedum. He is willing to try to identify any cuttings sent to him. If possible, note the colour of the flowers, and say where you obtained it. It is usually difficult to identify a plant from a single photograph. Organised by Mr. Ray Stephenson.
These are available in sets corresponding to the subscription year. All of these except for issue 4 contain all the colour photographs as supplied originally. There is an order form available on request. Available from Les Pearcy.
We offer handsome binders, with the society name blocked in gold on the spine, which have space for 24 copies of the Newsletter Available from Les Pearcy.
9. Sedum, Cultivated Stonecrops by Ray Stephenson
was published by Timber Press of Oregon in the last few days of 1994. It is the result of 5 years of work, collating information gathered over most of a lifetime in an attempt to produce an up-to-date book on the subject. The 356 page hardbacked treatise has 110 colour plates, 100 monochromes and sketches. Copies are available from Les Pearcy (profits to the society). Other literature is periodically available from the same source.

The Sedum Society is organised informally by a few dedicated enthusiasts who give up their own time freely and pay subscriptions in the normal way. It is a non-profit making organisation which aims to provide its members with good value for money. Senior officers who oversee the society and through their generosity make its existence possible:

Ray Stephenson, Chairman and Editor of the Newsletter. He considers all suggestions made by members with respect to the society. The Newsletter is a forum for all members whether inexperienced in the growing of stonecrops, or experts in their field. Ray tries to balance within a year the material offered for publication. It is important that comments and articles are sent to him so that he can formulate articles. Line drawing are particularly welcome for publication. It would be appreciated if long articles intended for publication could be forwarded on disc. Ray also oversees printing and then collates and posts the Newsletter.

Les Pearcy, Treasurer and Membership Secretary. The Treasurer looks after all financial matters and publishes a statement of accounts, usually with the January newsletter. We are a non- profit making organisation, and it is the budget, provided by the Treasurer, which ensures that we do not run the Society at a loss. Les also receives the subscriptions. Cheques, money orders, etc., in (£) sterling only, should be made out to The Sedum Society. North American members can pay in US$ through our American representative (see below). The subscription year starts in October and finishes the following September. Les maintains the membership list and prints the labels for the Newsletter envelopes, and is therefore the person to notify if you change your address.
Sue Haffner, American representative. North American members should pay their subscriptions and back order issues of the Newsletter and Newsletter binders through Sue. Payment should be in US$ by cheque payable to Sue Haffner.
Keith Powell, Lawrie Springate, Senior Officers. In addition to guidance and advice, this duo of dedicated enthusiasts proof-read, research and oversee the society as a whole.
Members range from the obvious beginner with a newly acquired interest in the genus Sedum to professionals specialising in the genus or related genera. Some are interested in only the hardy species, others in the tender ones, but most are interested in both, and usually in the related genera as well. We believe that in producing the Newsletter, we fill the need which all Sedum enthusiasts have – they are able to read about their favourite plants. Articles concerning the genus are all too rare in the various British and American alpine and succulent society journals.

Contact Addresses
Ray Stephenson
8 Percy Gardens, Choppington, Northumberland, NE62 5YH, England
(email [email protected]
{Phone : (+44) 01670 817901, evenings}

Les Pearcy
43 Hawleys Close, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5LY, England
(email [email protected]
{Phone (+44) 01629 582595, evenings}

Sue Haffner
3015 Timmy, Clovis, CA 93612-4849, U.S.A.
{email [email protected]}

Sedum Society Subscription / Renewal
UK £10.00 Oct ’06 – Sept ‘07

I wish / no longer wish to participate (underline)

Name _________________________________ Post to Les Pearcy

Address _______________________________ 43 Hawleys Close

______________________________________ MATLOCK,

______________________________________ Derbyshire

___________________________________________ DE4 5LY

Post code ________________________

e-mail address________________________________

The above data is stored by the Society and is protected. If you do not wish for any of the above details to be given to Sedum Society members in a future Members’- List please initial here _____

The following sets of back issues of Newsletters are available all priced at £10•00 per set. Please circle the sets you wish to purchase.

1-6 7-10 11-14 15-18 19-22 23-26 27-30 31-34
35-38 39-42 43-46 47-50 51-54 55-58 59-62 63-66
67-70 71-74

_____ sets at £10•00 per set (post paid) SPECIAL OFFER 3 for £25

Binders for Newsletters (£6•00 each inc P&P) £____

Copy of Ray Stephenson’s Sedum cultivated stonecrops (£37•50 +£4•78 P&P) £____

The Sedum Society Slide Library is available on 5 CDs. The first 3 are in
BMP format at image resolutions up to 1280 x 1024.

CD1 covers slides 1 to 176, CD2 covers slides 177 to 352 and CD3 covers
slides 353 to 528. CD4 has all 528 slides in BMP format at image resolution
up to 800 x 600.
CD5 has all 528 slides in JPG format at both resolutions.

The cost of CDs is now only £8 each (£10 to non members).

Please specify below which CDs you wish to order.______________


I enclose cheque/ postal order / money order / bankers draft / cash for _____ year(s) subscription.

You may if you wish pay by PayPal to Les Pearcy at [email protected]


signed ________________________



Ray Stephenson 8 Percy Gardens Choppington Northumberland,NE625YH