Scottish Rhododendron Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm


The Scottish Rhododendron Society provides services and arranges activities for its Members and for Members of the American Rhododendron Society resident in Great Britain and Ireland.

We also have Members in other parts of Europe, South Africa, Japan and Australasia.

We organise programmes of Spring and Autumn garden visits, workshops and meetings where Members can visit famous and not so famous, gardens with wonderful Rhododendron collections. On these occasions real finds can be made, where Members help each other with identification, pass on propagators’ hints and information on where to find particular plants.

Our purpose
Our purpose is to encourage enjoyment of the genus Rhododendron, by interesting you in the culture of rhododendrons and azaleas. These shrubs love an acid soil, and damp but well-drained ground.

If you love gardening, and especially if you are interested in knowing more about growing and cultivating this fascinating genus, then you might like to join us.

To find out more about the advantages of Membership – simply click on the above image


Helen Kessell Membership Secretary S.R.S. Glengilp Farm Ardrishaig Argyll,PA308HT