Wörlitzer Park, Dessau

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm


The construction of the first classical garden in mainland Europe grew from the noble idea of harmonizing the co-existence of humans, nature and the countryside. Returning from their English sojourn, Prince Leopold III, Friedrich Franz of Anhalt-Dessau and his architect friend, Friedrich Wilhelm von Erdmannsdorf, created some of the most spectacular examples of English landscape design.

In a succession of architectural gems, landscaped palace gardens and intimate parks with rare wild fruits, field maples and
unusual wildlife, the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm is nowadays protected as a UNESCO World heritage site. The 25 miles Fürst Franz Trail starting at Dessau town centre takes in most of the sites along the Garden Realm.

Wörlitzer Park
06786 Wörlitz

Tourist-Information Dessau
Zerbster Straße 2c
06844 Dessau
Tel. 0049 340 2041442

Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.dessau.de
Internet: www.biosphaerenreservatmittlereelbe.de
