The forecast shows a bright and sunny outlook for the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park (19-23 July)

  • 4 June 2021 4:45 pm


The competition is hotting up as the garden designers at the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park (19-23 July) make the finishing touches to their displays before judging begins for those coveted RHS medals – they will be hoping that both the weather and the judges will be kind to them.

None more so than Jamie Dunstan of PSI Nursery whose show garden, Long Hot Summer, is a contemporary Mediterranean design that provides shade and lounging areas in which to enjoy both the sights and sounds of summer. After winning an RHS Gold medal for his back to back garden at his Tatton debut last year, Jamie’s design is eagerly awaited.

The heat is certainly on in the show’s magnificent Floral Marquee, where Robert Bird of Bridgend Nurseries is launching new plants Geranium ‘Summer Skies’ and Geum ‘Blazing Sunset’. Cookoo Box Nursery will also be feeling hot, hot, hot with its display of feisty chillies, with all hoping to impress the judges with their impressive and eye-catching displays they are painstakingly working on.

Also sun worshipping in Tatton’s Floral Marquee will be Sarah Clark of Green Garden Herbs with her Salvia greggii ‘Desert Sun’ and ‘Sungold’ cultivars, although things could cool down later on with her Echinacea purpurea ‘Prairie Frost’ variety.

Probably the only person on site who will hoping for some rain during the show will be Andrew Parsons, whose Rainy City Garden is specifically designed as a back to back space for the wet, Manchester weather. His moisture-loving planting will be craving a rain shower, and without it, his unique ‘rain chime’ accessory will not make a sound!

To book tickets call 0870 906 3811 or visit <> . Tickets are priced at £19 in advance.
