Showglads Speciality Gladiolus.

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm
  • Nottinghamshire, England


Showglads is a family run business, which has been supplying gladioli to the exhibitor and general gardener for over 30 years.

Under the stewardship of its present owners Roger & Terry Braithwaite who have over 35 years of exhibiting experience in both the Chrysanthemum and daffodil world have sourced some of the newest and best gladioli available in the UK today both for exhibition and garden display.

We would like to welcome existing and new customers to our latest web site catalogue and as in the past we offer the most comprehensive listing of varieties from Austrialia, Canada, Czech Republic, Holland, UK and USA all at very competitive prices. As in previous years we offer 13 of the newest varieties to the UK, most of these having been on trial exclusively with us and tested on the showbench, gaining major awards at the British Gladioli Society National and Group Shows. We hope these do as well for our customers on the exhibition bench as our previous releases have done.

Also contained in this website are sections on general advice to the novice grower, sizing, colour codes and flowering times..

Please feel free to browse the site and to make use of our General Advice page which contains helpful hints on planting and growing.

Why not look at our sister site for the best show daffodils and tulips, hybrid and species. We also have quite a comprehensive range of other bulbs for your garden display including fliterias, muscari, iris, etc.


105 Derby Road Bramcote Nottingham,NG93GZ,Nottinghamshire,England