Kitchen Accessories

  • 4 June 2021 4:55 pm


Kitchen Accessories – it’s in the kitchen where all the effort we put in to growing our own vegetables and carefully protecting our fruit finally pays off – never has it been more accurate to say the proof is in the pudding! Our involvement in helping you establish, maintain and run a productive kitchen garden doesn’t stop outside; we’re as keen as anyone to sample that unique, fresh, home-grown taste and that’s why we’ve sourced plenty of accessories for the gardener’s kitchen.
Let’s start with trugs for bringing in the harvest; move onto the garlic crock for storing cloves; we’ve got preserve jars for your jams, pickles and chutneys and can even help you start the whole growing cycle off again with compost crocks, kitchen-based Bokashi compost bins (for your vegetable peelings) and even recycling bags. And if that’s not enough, we’ve even got beautiful Kew pots to finish off the kitchen look. Throw in fridge magnets and garden mugs and visitors to the kitchen will be left in no doubt that they’re in an extension of the garden!
