Branklyn Garden

  • 4 June 2021 4:52 pm
  • Perthshire


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This attractive garden, a haven of peace within walking distance of Perth, was developed by John and Dorothy Renton with the help of seed collections from plant hunters such as Forest, Ludlow and Sherriff. Gardeners and botanists from all over the world come to Branklyn to see the outstanding collection of plants, particularly rhododendrons, alpines, herbaceous and peat-garden plants. One of the most striking and unusual plants here is the vivid blue Himalayan poppy, Meconopsis. Branklyn also holds National Collections of Cassiope and Lilium (Mylnefield lilies), and is developing a collection of Rhododendron taliense.

Acquisition details
Bequeathed in 1967 by John T Renton, CBE, who, with his wife, began the garden planting in 1922


116 Dundee Road Perth PH2 7BB,PH27BB,Perthshire