How To Conserve The Soil: Gardeners Guide

Soil is one of the most important resources on our planet, but it is exhaustible. According to UN forecasts, humanity has only 60 years of topsoil left. Fortunately, today there are many methods that help conserve soil and use a valuable resource in a more sustainable way.

Successful farming and gardening depend on the health of the soil.  Moreover, the quality of the products and the content of valuable substances for the human body, including fiber, depends on the soil. Nutrient depletion, erosion, and habitat degradation lead to negative consequences. In this regard, soil conservation techniques application is of utmost importance.

The Living Soil

Gardeners need to properly mix all the ingredients as if baking a cake to create and maintain soil health. The soil includes four main components:

  • water
  • air
  • organic material
  • minerals

The activity of soil organisms is highly dependent on the physical environment of the soil. This factor also strongly influences the decomposition process of organic materials and the ability of soil and plants to absorb nutrients. It is necessary to keep the soil loose and keep it aerated. Mulch will protect garden soil from cold and other external factors in winter.

Trees Growing for Healthy Topsoil 

Tree planting is an effective soil conservation practice because it provides protection to the topsoil. Trees, grasses and shrubs planted in the bare areas of the garden help prevent erosion and reduce the impact of weather on the soil. The roots of these plants help to fix the soil.

Cover Crops

Growing cover crops are the practice of replenishing the soil with nutrients after harvest. This method helps replenish nitrogen and organic matter and suppress weed growth and soil erosion.

This kind of crops is usually planted in late autumn. In the spring, gardeners can loosen up the soil and mulch the plants to allow nutrients to reach deeper. This soil conservation method is familiar to farmers and can become useful  for the home garden.

pH Maintaining

The level of pH is affected by various factors, including pollutants and acids. This indicator can be controlled using a special tester. By determining the pH level, you can determine what needs to be adjusted and added to ensure healthy, fertile soil.

Soil Study

The study of the ground in the garden is crucial since only through study can one find out precisely what needs to be corrected. Soil test kits or laboratory tests will help determine drainage capacity, pH levels, and NPK values. Careful attention to these indicators will improve the soil and the health of the vegetation on it.

Buffer Strips

Soil erosion is one of the main problems of farmers and gardeners, especially in areas with water bodies. The consequences of erosion include the pollution by pesticides and fertilizers of the aquatic environment and the appearance of silt.

Buffer strips are one of the most  effective types of soil conservation that helps to prevent water pollution. They are plantings on the shore of grasses, shrubs, or trees. Thus, the roots of these plants support the banks of water bodies.


Careful attention to the composition of fertilizers helps avoid many problems associated with soil health and environmental protection. Fertilizers can cause pollution of water bodies and groundwater, which should also be considered before application. They may contain substances that damage the soil and cause long-term damage. All this affects the condition of the plants.

Compaction Preventing

Gardeners should also take action to prevent soil compaction. It is one of the most crucial protection methods to help keep garden soil healthy and fertile. Walking on the damp ground causes compaction. Gardeners can prevent it by laying out paths that can move freely without harming the soil and plants.

Compost and Mulch Application

Mulch provides the protection against wind and erosion. In addition, this product contributes to the retention of moisture, which the earth needs. A thin layer of mulch is usually spread at the base of flowering plants at their peak growing season. Mulch is represented on the market by a set of different products. Gardeners can also make it at home from wood waste and leaves.

Compost has essential nutrients for the soil. Gardeners can also make this product at home from fruits and vegetables, moss, grass clippings, and tea bags.

Fewer Concrete Surfaces

Concrete surfaces can prevent water from entering the soil. Enough water is vital for proper functioning. Fortunately, other materials can be applied. Garden and patio paving stones can be used to help protect the soil against erosion.


Soil conservation is vital as it is a finite resource. Gardeners can find many different ways to keep the soil healthy and fertile. It is necessary to maintain the natural functions of the ground to absorb nutrients and retain moisture. Testing soil composition and pH can help identify weak points and adjust the application of various fertilizers and nutrients.