Ardkinglas Woodland Garden

  • 4 June 2021 4:47 pm


Ardkinglas Woodland Garden Profile

Ardkinglas Woodland Garden covers 25 acres of hillside amongst one of Scotland’s most beautiful landscapes around the head of Loch Fyne. Visitors can follow a network of informal paths which rise from the tumbling waterfalls of the River Kinglas through richly varied areas of garden and woodland to the hillside above from where there are spectacular views of Loch Fyne.

The near perfect growing conditions experienced in he gardn allow us to provide a home for an exceptional collection of Rhododendrons, Conifers and many other interesting trees and shrubs. These include ‘the mightiest conifer in Europe’ and one of the tallest trees in Britain.

A woodland lochan, ancient mill, numerous woodland walks and a very visible and thriving population of rare Red Squirrels add to the attractions at Ardkinglas. There is also a gazebo, made from Argyll oak, which houses a unique scriptorium of tree-related literary poetry and prose to fire the imagination.

There is much to enjoy in the garden at any time of the year, but the visitor who comes in spring and early summer will marvel at the magnificent flowers of the Rhododendron collection and the spectacular carpet of Bluebells. The beauty and sense of history in the garden will appeal to the general visitor but there are also many outstanding trees and shrubs which will delight those with more specialist knowledge.

Children will love the Gruffalo trail – our latest addition to the Woodland Garden

There is ample free car parking space and toilet facilities

Free guided tours are available by appointment. These can be tailored to suit the needs of the visiting group. A full tour of the garden may last over one and a half hours, or a ‘whistle-stop tour’, on low level paths, taking in some of the highlights of the garden and lasting only twenty minutes may be more appropriate if time is limited or the group is less able.

Admission to the Woodland Garden including the Gruffalo Trail is £5 per person, £15 per family.

Season tickets £20 Group rates are available on request.

Address : Ardkinglas Woodland Garden, Ardkinglas Estate, Cairndow, Argyll. PA26 8BH

Telephone : (01499) 600261


Ardkinglas Estate Cairndow Argyll,PA268BH