Cragside Gardens and Estate

  • 4 June 2021 4:44 pm


Cragside Gardens & Estate

Extraordinary Victorian estate — the wonder of its age – with dramatic and varied gardens

Cragside, creation of Victorian inventor and landscape genius Lord Armstrong, is a garden of breathtaking drama whatever the season. Surrounding the house is one of the largest rock gardens in Europe. Beyond is a vast woodland garden where rhododendrons and azaleas reach full bloom during late May and June. Soaring high above are the magnificent spires of Armstrong’s transatlantic conifer collection, which provide shelter to the estate’s red squirrel population. Across the valley in the terraced garden, the Orchard House still produces fresh fruit of all varieties. Summer features splendid carpet bedding and autumn the colourful dahlia walk. Today, Armstrong’s amazing creation can be explored on foot and by car. The lakeside walks, adventure play area and labyrinth are all good reasons for children to visit Cragside

Name and credits for images of Cragside

Reference: 131857

Description of image – Young fruit trees and some vegetables line the shelves in the greenhouse, or orchardhouse, at Cragside. They are grown in large pots before being planted out on the estate.

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Credit for photograph: Andrea Jones
Copyright: ©NTPL/Andrea Jones

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