I’d like to get some more practice in a company, which designs and builds gardens. Anna Lecka of Poznan, Poland

  • 4 June 2021 4:43 pm


Hallo! My name is Anna Lecka, I’m a student of horticulture on Agriculture University of Poznan in Poland. My faculty is Landscaping and garden architecture. I’m on fifth (last) year of my study. Before graduating I’d like to get some more practice in a company, which designs and builds gardens. I was looking for addresses of such companies on internet’s sites and I’ve found you. I’d like to spend some months and work for you if it’s possible and learn as much as possible about designing and building gardens. It wouldn’t be my first job – I have a lot of experience in horticulture which I’ve received not only on my University. My parents have their own company – they produce ornamental plants, pot plants and vegetables. I’ve helped them since I was a child. Besides I worked as a cherry picker in Germany for some weeks and also in England as a berry picker on Mr Pascoe’s farm (East Malling, near Maidstone in Kent). Last holiday I worked for 365 Nursery near King’s Lynn, where I worked in glasshouse with tomatoes. I had there various kinds of job, including biological protection (I wasn’t a picker this time). Of course I’ve got a lot of practice during my studies, but I’d like to get more from garden designing. Do you think, it is possible that I could work for you for some months as a student? Thank you! Anna Lecka
Forum (Hugh):Dear Anna, Thank you for your enquiry. I am passing your enquiry onto someone who might be able to suggest some contacts for you. You could also contact BALI – they are The British Association of Landscape Industries. They do help students, you require to contact a Landscape firm who designs and builds gardens – there are many of these firms in the UK. The BALI site has a Company Search section which gives you the addresses of members and also has a Job Vacancies search bar as well. Best of luck, Hugh O’Connell
Anna: Thank you very much! And greetings from Poland!
Thank you very much for your help. It’s very kind of you. I’ve written many e-mails to Polish companies and got only one answer. And to England I’ve written 2 e-mails so far and I’ve got 2 answers, one from you even though I wrote to you by mistake. And you also help me without any reason. Thank you again! Thanks to you I’ve collected many very interesting addresses from web pages and I’ve found BALI. Now I just have to send e-mails everywhere. I hope I’ll find a company which invite me to work with them. Best regards! Anna
