Garden Fork Sneerboer

  • 4 June 2021 4:57 pm


Garden Fork – A perfectly proportioned Sneeboer stainless steel border fork, hand-forged in the finest stainless-steel and individually shaped, polished and sharpened by hand before being fitted with a fine quality ash handle. Sneeboer have always produced gardening forks with flat face tines and a ‘V’ shaped back in contrast to most forks which tend to be square or round.
• Overall garden fork length 113cm
• Head width 15cm,
• Each flat tine 1.5cm wide and tines are 20cm long
The Sneeboer Garden Fork is made of the finest hand-forged stainless steel, with an ash handle. It comes with unique, sharpened, flat-faced tines that I found really useful when trying to dig out roots and work a very heavy soil. I would find one of these very handy. The fork is 113cm long with a head of 15cm, and weighs just under 4lb.

Garden Forks: Editor’s Choice – It’s time to find the fork that will be a life-long gardening companion, The English Garden magazine, September 2009
