Watering And Water Recycling

  • 4 June 2021 4:55 pm


Water Butts, Rain Water Tanks, Micro Irrigation, Automatic Watering Systems, Self Watering Products, Greenhouse Watering, Haws Watering Cans, Hose Watering Heads, Hosepipe Connectors and Adapters, Sprayers, Accessories – regular watering is vital to keep your garden plants and vegetables in good shape and to release nutrients from the soil or compost and our wide range of essential items will help you simplify the task.

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The Harcostar Space Saver 100 Litre/22 Gallon Water Butt is ideal for areas with space constraints and comes complete with hose connector tap and lid. The Water Butt is easily fitted with a rain trap, linking kit and overflow kit (not included) but are available separately. Unlike our other Harcostar water butts, the Space Saver does not have a bottom linking port but can be linked to other butts at the top – Voted ‘Best Buy’ in Which? Gardening magazine, July/August 2008.

Harcostar also produce a 700 Litre (150 gallon) tank and all sizes in between as well watering kits, pumps, water butt linking kits and overflow kits

CLICK HERE for more information and to Buy ONLINE
