Jamaica’s Prime Minister Backs Jamaica Team At Chelsea Flower Show

  • 4 June 2021 4:55 pm


For the first time ever, Jamaica’s Prime minister, Bruce Golding will be attending the Chelsea Flower Show on Monday 19th May, to show his support for the Jamaica Horticultural Society (JHS) as they gear up for an exciting few days at this year’s show.

The non-profit JHS will be showcasing a tropical display of fragrant flowers, foliage and fruits typically found throughout Jamaica’s lush and fertile landscape. Exhibiting at the show for its 13th year, Blossom Levene will lead the JHS Chelsea team who will be joined for the first time by highly acclaimed orchid grower Claude Hamilton.

The display, entitled ‘Island Bounty’ will present visitors with a scene out of tropical Jamaica, capturing the colours, smells and shapes of the destination. This has been inspired by the abundance of palm trees and the vibrant colours of the Heliconia, Anthurium, Alpinia Pururata and fruits of the island.

Seeking to demonstrate the rich horticultural relationship between the UK and Jamaica, the JHS has collaborated with Claude to create this unique and rare display. Claude will be bringing Jamaican endemic Orchids and Cattleya as well as his award-winning hybrid Orchids to the stand – some of which have never been seen before. The display will be among 600 floral and garden exhibitions competing for medals at this year’s show.

Claude founded the world famous Hamlyn Orchids with his wife in 1983 and is best known as a breeder of Broughtonias, Schomburgkias and their award-winning hybrids. He is well known as an Orchid breeder and lectures on orchids, orchid culture and orchid judging.

Growing orchids for over forty years, Claude is a former president and life Member of Jamaica Orchid Society and the Jamaica Horticultural Society. An accredited judge of the American Orchid Society, he is affiliated with the Florida Caribbean judging centre in Miami.

Visitors to the Jamaica Horticultural Stand during the 86th annual Chelsea Flower Show are invited to learn more about Jamaica’s rich heritage and tropical landscape.

In keeping with the theme of sustainability which will be prominent at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show, the ‘Island Bounty’ display will be on view at a special reception after the show, before the colourful floral arrangements are donated to a selection of hospices across the UK.

For more information on Jamaica, see www.visitjamaica.com
