East West Garden Design Through The Moongate

  • 4 June 2021 4:53 pm


East West Garden Design
‘Through The Moongate’
Site number: RHW 35
Designer: Lesley Bremnes
Sponsor: Royal Bank of Scotland & Bank of China
Press contact: Nicola McGowan, Assistant Manager, Media Relations RBS
Press contact tel: 0131 626 4205
Press contact email: [email protected]
Contractor: The Very Interesting Water Features & Landscape Company, Paul Dyer
Exhibitor Address: 37 Nether Street, Rougham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, 1P30 9LW

This garden aims to increase awareness of China’s rich gardening heritage and to inspire western gardeners to experiment with Chinese garden ideas. The main precepts of this garden design come from the ideas of Taoism, (Tao means ‘the way’ or ‘the path’ referring to the way we live our lives) and its intimate relationship with nature.

Following traditional Chinese ideas, ‘Through the Moongate’ unfolds like a scroll to offer both a physical and metaphysical journey. It begins in the domestic area with a small welcome courtyard. From the courtyard the path presents a series of settings; first is a terrace in praise of the peony, followed by a fragrance area. For each new experience there is a small calligraphy plaque, which aims to heighten the senses and expectations.

The path draws the visitor from the household area, with its domestic planting, pebble path designs and comfortable spaces, through a Moongate in the curved Dragon Wall. The path narrows leading down steps to a stone bridge, where the visitor can absorb calm, reflective water.

Continuing over the water, along the path of stepping stones, the visitor arrives at a small pavilion on the prominence, which becomes an increasingly wilder, rocky wilderness.

Within the garden there are yin/yang contrasts of flat walkways with narrow irregular stepping stones and enclosed spaces with open vistas. Lush flowers also contrast with wild trees and vibrant, moving water with calm and peaceful water.
