Clematis Society, International

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


welcomes all Clematis lovers.
Ireland 2006
Our Conference in Dublin, Ireland was a great success. Nearly 100 attendees from 14 countries attended for a one week programme of garden visits, tours of sights around Dublin and two days of presentations, lectures and workshops. Even the weather was good – well for most of the time. And anyway, all things in the garden respond to a little rain, even the gardener.
A full set of reports on our activities will appear in next years journal, Clematis International 2007 but you can see the first of my personal pages covering some of our activities, in words and pictures, by visiting our Past Events section and the Ireland 2007 page.
Our garden this month
With most of Europe suffering unusually high temperatures and very low rainfall, if any, most gardens are not looking as good as one might expect. Our garden in southern England is no exception, with many clematis flowers much smaller than normal and not lasting for as long. However some clematis seem to react to these extreme conditions far less than others. Notable amongst these is C. ‘Alba Luxurians’ which continues to flower profusely, even if the flowers are a little smaller than some years.
They do say that every cloud has a silver lining and so C. ‘Romantika’, whilst its flowers are less than half their normal size, has virtually no sign of mildew!


But my choice for this month is C. ‘Semu’. Bred by Uno Kivistik, is has a multitude of rich blue flowers and looks as good as every. And it should stay like this for another two months at least.


Clematis Register and Checklist – Second Supplement
The Second Supplement of the International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002has now been published. The International Clematis Registrar and Checklist 2002 is a “must have” for all clematis lovers. However there are new registrations every year and to keep up to date you also need the supplements.
The Second Supplement is available from the Royal Horticultural Society, please visit their website or one of their bookshops, cost £5.00 plus post and packing. Electronic versions of both supplements are also available on the RHS website, at


We are aware that it can be prohibitively expensive for non-UK resident members to purchase single copies. We have therefore purchased a number of copies and will make them available to members at cost price plus postage. Although quite a few members came away from Dublin with a copy, we still have a few left, so please contact myself, Ken Woolfenden, at the mailbox given at the bottom of this page, if you would like one. And for non-UK resident members, why not see if there are one or two other people nearby who would like a copy? That way you can share the postage costs.



Mrs Fiona Woolfenden - Secretary 3 Cuthberts Close Waltham Cross EN7 5RB