British and European Geranium Society (BEGS)

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


The British & European Geranium Society currently known as B.E.G.S for short was formed in 1970 for the benefit of amateurs and professional growers alike who have an interest in growing and promoting geraniums.

The word geraniums includes all members of the Geraniaceae family such as Pelagoniums, Erodiums,Sarcocaulon and Monsonia, as well as the Hardy Geranium (cranesbill). The vast majority of the membership are interested in Pelargoniums(commonly known as Geraniums)which consists of a whole range of interesting types.

The society holds an Annual show which moves around the country to a different region each year and also publishes four magazines per annum which includes a year book, There is also other Geranium shows around the uk as affilated society to B.E.G.S.

Membership of the National Society provides automatic membership of the regional society for the area in which you live in(UK only).


Membership Secretary 5 Sandy Ridge Sanfields Port Talbot Neath SA12 6SU