The Garden History Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


The Garden History Society (GHS)

• The Garden History Society (GHS) is a membership organisation in England and Scotland with charitable status, responsible for raising awareness and providing professional advice about historic parks and gardens. The Society employs experienced conservation officers to give advice, publishes an authoritative journal and organises seminars, lectures and visits to significant sites.

• The Society is governed by a Council of Management made up of professionals and academics. Day to day administration is run by a part-time administrator supported by volunteers, who also undertake a number of the publishing activities and organisation of events. The Society’s head office is in London and a branch office is located in Edinburgh.

• The Society is open to all and has no qualification for membership.

• The Society has close links with similar interest groups including the Association of Gardens Trusts and the Museum of Garden History

The Society’s objectives are:
• to promote and advise on the protection and conservation of historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes
• to promote the study of the history of gardening, landscape gardening and horticulture in all its aspects
• to encourage the creation of new parks, gardens and designed landscapes

• More information on the Society can be found at:
