Pea and Bean Seeds

  • 4 June 2021 4:58 pm


Pea and Bean Seeds – members of the legume family, peas and beans of all varieties are commonplace on allotments, vegetable plots, patios and in kitchen gardens across the country as gardeners both old and new realise what benefits these helpful plants can bring to the garden. It goes without saying that the taste of home-grown peas and beans just can’t be replicated by supermarkets, but there’s more in the pea and bean locker than that; due to the nitogen-fixing nodules nature bestowed on this family, they require less nitrogen feed than other plant groups and will even put this valuable growing element back into the soil.
And there’s no better place to buy your beans and purchase your peas than right here! We’ve got Broad, Runner and French bean seeds to complement the pea varieties we’ve carefully selected, and all our seeds are certified organic by the Soil Association – recognised as the standard for organic produce in the UK. We’ve also provided a growing guide – similar to the one below – for each variety to give you an idea when to sow, transplant and harvest your organic pea and bean seeds along with our in-house designed and manufactured pea and bean hoops, runner bean frames and even netting to climb up, so hopefully you can enjoy that unique home-grown flavour too!
