Daffodil Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


The Daffodil Society is the oldest National Daffodil Society in the world and celebrated its Centenary in 1998. It is the specialist society of Great Britain for all who are interested in the genus Narcissus, be they exhibitors, breeders or just lovers of the true heralds of Spring.

The Society produces a Journal in the Spring and a Newsletter in the Autumn which are sent to all members and affiliated societies.

Over 200 societies in the UK are affiliated to the Daffodil Society and details of the major shows can be found at Show Calendar. The Daffodil Society Annual Show was held at Myton School in Warwick on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 April 2006.


Mrs Terry Braithwaite - Secretary 105 Derby Road Bramcote Nottingham NG9 3GZ