ArtParks International

  • 4 June 2021 4:47 pm



St Martin, Guernsey, GY4 6SG, C.I., Great Britain
Office telephone 01481 235571 House telephone 01481 235655 Fax 01481 235572

The Art Park

Sausmarez Manor, Sausmarez Road, St Martin, Guernsey, GY4 6SG.

Telephone : + 44 (0) 1481 235571
Take some of Britain’s best sculptures and mix them with their peers around the world, sprinkle into an exotic subtropical garden, add a couple of little lakes and water features, give it a benign maritime /subtropical climate and you have a wonderful experience of art nature and artifice. A combination of 90 or so artists have done just that, with their 200 or so pieces at the Art Park, Sausmarez Manor.

Come and enjoy an experience you and your children will never forget.

The Subtropical Garden

Sausmarez Manor, Sausmarez Road, St Martin, Guernsey, GY4 6SG.

Telephone : + 44 (0) 1481 235571
The climate in Guernsey allows enormous latitudes in what can be grown and the owners have taken full advantage of this to create a veritable green heaven of a jungle garden in an ancient wood. It has Banana trees galore, Camellia & Arum Lilies, Tree Ferns, Strelitzia, great swathes of green, gold and giant and dwarf Bamboos.

Each season brings it’s own excitement, with the three hundred or so Camellia’s flourishing between December and May, the Spring bulbs from January to April, the Cyclamen from January to April and again in September to Christmas, are fresh new ferns and the foliage in the Spring. Fuchsias some 20’ high, Hydrangeas and Ginger lilies, all have their season of glory.

The paths wind in and out of jungle glades, round little lakes girt with giant Gunnera and through Bamboo and tree fern groves. Many people remark on the wonderful peace they feel when they have walked through. Seats are there to relax or to mediate on the poetry and sculpture, placed here and there.


St Martin, Guernsey,GY46SG