If you’re really into growing your own, there are lots of ways that you can extend the growing season – propagators, cloches, polytunnels and coldframes can all be used. Propagators will help you get your seeds off to a good early start. Some are heated, which are perfect for the more exotic forms of vegetables, such as aubergines and chillis. Others are not heated, but act like a mini greenhouse – wonderful for using on a windowsill or in a conservatory to give you a bit more growing space at the start of the season. Cloches can give individual plants a bit of protection in the colder months, while polytunnels allows you to protect a whole row (or rows) or crops, depending on how big they are. Coldframes are excellent for hardening off your new plants before planting them in the garden.

View our Selection Of Propagators, cloches, polytunnels and coldframes Below

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