The Cottage Garden Society (CGS)
An informal and friendly society of about 3,000 members most are based in the UK but we do have overseas members as far a field as Australia. It brings together amateurs and professionals who share an enthusiasm for this type of gardening.
The Society was founded in 1982 when cottage garden perennials were becoming ‘unfashionable’. Those starting the Society wanted to protect this vanishing planting style. They were concerned that, in the move to easily maintained gardens, hard landscaping was becoming more important than the plants.
Interest in the Society soon grew and from small beginnings, with the founders based in North Wales and Cheshire, we now have over 35 regional groups spread throughout the United Kingdom. Most of these groups meet monthly for talks, garden visits, seed swaps and plant sales.
Any member of the National Society can join a regional group for the extra benefits of mixing with like-minded gardeners in your own area.
Become a Member of The CGS ( )
For the very modest annual subscription of £15 single and £18 joint (two people living at the same address), the Society offers the following benefits:
The Cottage Gardener
Our informal and informative, quarterly magazine which is filled with articles by members, amateur and professional, sharing their knowledge and experience. It includes book reviews, competitions, letters page, cottage garden recipes and much more.
The Talking Cottage Gardener
The magazine is also available on audio-tape for visually impaired members. Contact Shirley Downing please contact our administrator for information 01270 820940.
Seed Exchange
Each year there is an opportunity to obtain seed donated by other members – and send in your own surplus seed. Twelve packets of seed for just £5.00 handling charge within the UK. Seed donors and joint members receive a bigger allocation of seeds. See the Seeds section on our website for more details
Plant Sales
Locally organised by various Regional Groups, as detailed in the magazine and on groups’ websites.
Over 30 regional groups hold their own meetings, visits and plant sales. We also have a group for dedicated “galanthophiles”, the Snowdrop Group.
CGS Merchandise
The Society produces a range of merchandise for sale to members. For details, see the “Shop” on our website (
RHS Affiliation
The CGS is a RHS Affiliated Society, so our members can seek advice from the RHS free of charge. You can email the Advisory Service at [email protected] but will need our affiliation number – as in the December 2010 magazine. Sadly, it is no longer possible to ring or write with queries and, as from September 2011, this advice service will no longer be available to individual CGS members. In addition to getting help from the RHS, each year a group of up to 55 people can visit one of the RHS garden’s free of charge – details in “The Cottage Gardener” or contact our administrator for more details.
The Cottage Garden Society
Tel. +44 (0)1270 820940