Hardy Plant Society

  • 4 June 2021 4:51 pm


Our Mission

The Hardy Plant Society exists to stimulate interest in growing hardy herbaceous plants.

About Us

Almost 50 years ago a group of gardeners and nurserymen got together to help conserve older, rarer and unusual plants to make them more available to gardeners. Today over 10,000 members around the globe enjoy a wide range of activities for the enthusiastic hardy planter.

The Society has a reputation for friendliness and offers a range of activities through local groups and national events. These provide members with the opportunity to meet other keen gardeners and to share ideas and information in a convivial atmosphere. The activities and work of the society inform and encourage the novice gardener, stimulate and enlighten the more knowledgeable, and entertain and enthuse all gardeners bonded by a love for and an interest in hardy perennial plants.

Join the Hardy Plant Society and help conserve the wealth of hardy herbaceous perennials that grow in our gardens.

Membership Benefits

When you have joined the Society, you can then join any of the Local or Specialist groups within the Society and take part in a wide range of events, organised both locally and nationally. All members also receive two Journals and three newsletters each year – find out more about these Publications.

Here’s a sample of the main activities the Society offers members:

National Events

Each year the society organises several national events which are open to all members. These vary from Study Days on specific hardy plant genera to a Summer Gardens day, usually held in June or July and an Autumn Weekend of Garden visits held in September. These national events are all hosted by local groups. They give members an opportunity to meet fellow members from other parts of the country, to learn more about specific plant families or to visit gardens that are often not open to the public.

Local Groups

Over 40 local members’ groups now cover most of England, Scotland & Wales with new ones starting up to meet demand. Most groups issue their own newsletters and offer a range of activities from garden & nursery visits in summer, to talks and social events in winter, with year-round plant sales. Some Group Venues are listed here – so you can find which one is nearest. Members can join as many groups as they wish. Contact details for all local groups are listed in the members’ newsletters (see Publications).

Specialist Groups

Hardy Geraniums, Variegated Plants, Peonies, Pulmonarias and Half-Hardy Plants are all catered for with their own newsletters and special study days. Contact details for these groups are listed in the members’ newsletters (see Publications).

Gardening by Post

If you can’t get to meetings, our Correspondents Group will keep you in touch with other gardeners.

Conservation Scheme

Through the Conservation Scheme, the Society works hand-in-hand with local groups to obtain, propagate and distribute endangered garden-worthy hardy perennials to ensure their survival.


The Society exhibits at many of the major Shows; Chelsea, Malvern, Southport, Harrogate and many others, all staged by local groups. We also have publicity stands at many local plant and craft fairs, often with plants for sale.

Seed Distribution

Our annual Seed List offers over 2500 varieties of hardy perennial seed, some rare or unusual and many unobtainable commercially. The list is sent to all members in December.

Slide Library

The use of our extensive Slide Lending Library can help you illustrate a lecture, or to produce display material. The library now has over 8000 slides for you to choose from. All slides have been donated by keen photographers in the Society.

Speakers Register

Most local groups organise talks on a wide variety of topics relating to hardy perennials and other garden-related topics. Our Speakers register is a useful source of speakers, is updated in January each year and is free to members.


Mrs P Adams Little Orchard Great Comberton Nr Pershore WR10 3DP