• 4 June 2021 4:46 pm


4Head Creates a Wild Life Haven
The 4head Garden of Dreams is set to provide one of the largest wild life havens ever created at Chelsea, at this year’s Flower Show. Vast native trees, from oaks to ash, and alders to lime, weighing in at as much as 4.5 tons each, will form the central structure of the woodland, which is sheltered by a native hedge. Hawthorn, wild rose, hazel, dogwood, privet and wayfaring trees will provide the essential shelter every good wildlife garden requires, as well as nectar, nesting sites and berries for insects, birds and small mammals to feed on. All the food in the world can be available to the inhabitants of a garden but, without shelter, neither flora nor fauna will thrive.

The 4head Garden of Dreams is set to provide one of the largest wild life havens ever created at Chelsea, at this year’s Flower Show. Vast native trees, from oaks to ash, and alders to lime, weighing in at as much as 4.5 tons each, will form the central structure of the woodland, which is sheltered by a native hedge. Hawthorn, wild rose, hazel, dogwood, privet and wayfaring trees will provide the essential shelter every good wildlife garden requires, as well as nectar, nesting sites and berries for insects, birds and small mammals to feed on. All the food in the world can be available to the inhabitants of a garden but, without shelter, neither flora nor fauna willthrive.

Over 100 different species of plant will be used in the 4head Garden of Dreams and these will be planted to enhance the habitats they represent, contributing to a rich biodiversity within the Garden. Further hedgerow, grassland, wetland and wild borders will be planted to attract a mass of wildlife creatures.

Bird boxes, bat boxes and bird feeders will complete this rural idyll, together with a babbling brook which will emerge from the woodland and meander through a sunlit glade towards a large, reflective pool and island.

Marney Hall , one of the two designers of the 4head Garden Of Dreams has campaigned passionately for conservation throughout her career.
