Organic Seed Potatoes and Planters

  • 4 June 2021 4:58 pm


Organic Seed Potatoes and Planters Offers – growing your own potatoes at home on the patio is booming in popularity as experienced gardeners – and those new to the green-fingered brigade – wake up to just how easy producing your own wonderful crop of organic potatoes can be. The taste and impossible-to-recreate freshness of home grown organic potatoes, harvested minutes before being prepared in the kitchen, is probably the overriding reason for growing this most staple of vegetable crops which, until recently, required an allotment or fair sized plot to produce. But not any longer!
Thanks to the collection of potato planting bags, durable plastic and stunning willow surrounded planters and spud tubs we’ve assembled, growing your own potatoes has arrived on the patio! There’s no denying that a vegetable patch full of healthy potato haulms is an iconic gardening image but now space doesn’t matter; the smallest of patios or courtyards, balconies, roof terraces and any empty area can be turned into a potato production line! We’ve even got the seed potatoes you’ll need to start off your crop and all three of the varieties we supply are certified organic by the Soil Association and resistant to many common potato diseases. Not only are potatoes so very versatile in the kitchen but they’re a great way to get into gardening – and with the product range we’ve put together, you’ve no reason not to try!
