Goscote Nurseries Ltd Speciality Japanese maples, rhododendrons and azaleas, Magnolia, Camellia, Pieris and other Ericaceae.

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm
  • Leicestershire, England


Syston Road

01509 812121
Fax (01509) 814231

[email protected]

Opening Times 7 days, closed between Xmas & New Year.

Mail Order No

Catalogue Cost Free Online.

Speciality Japanese maples, rhododendrons & azaleas, Magnolia, Camellia, Pieris & other Ericaceae. Ornamental trees & shrubs, conifers, fruit, heathers, alpines, Clematis & unusual climbers. Show Garden to visit.

Having sent plants nationwide for the last four decades, it is with much sadness that we announce that we are to cease this part of the business with immediate effect. Unfortunately with a steady rise in transport costs, and the fact that because of the size and nature of the plants which needed to be individually and carefully packed it has become uneconomical for us to continue.

This will mean that we can concentrate on the other aspects of our business, and particularly on looking after the plants. Recently, we have started to offer more varieties as specimen trees and shrubs. We are in the process of updating our web site and are committed to continue offering one of the largest stocks of hardy plants in the country. We do deliver within a twenty mile radius and further by arrangement. We have a lot of experience getting plants into cars and it is surprising just what you can get in a car!

Although we don’t have a coffee shop, we have a lovely Showgarden to browse around and knowledgeable people who love nothing more than talking about plants. If you have particular plants in mind it is worth ringing ahead in advance to make sure we have them in stock, we can reserve them for you, and if we are out of stock we will try and order them in for you.

We offer a full design and landscaping service and in 2001 won a gold medal and the Tudor Rose for best showgarden down at Hampton Court Flower Show for our efforts.

It is worth making the trip to the nurseries if at all possible and please give us a ring if you require any further information.

