Desirable Plants – Speciality herbaceous plants by mail order

  • 4 June 2021 4:45 pm
  • Devon


Desirable Plants

Contact Dr J J & Mrs S A Sutton

Address (Office) Pentamar,Crosspark , Totnes , Devon, TQ9 5BQ

Telephone (01803) 864489
Email [email protected]

We specialize in herbaceous perennials, the choice, the interesting

and the offbeat. Our bold intention is to list a modest range of

immodestly interesting plants from our large and hard won collection, changing the list a great deal from year to year.

We sell plants by mail order to the UK only, at a select group of

plant sales across southern England, and at our monthly

‘Perennials in Totnes’ events in Totnes town centre

(if you’re local you probably know about this already,

if not please ask us for details).

We are towards the ‘small, personal and too-busy-propagating-to-check-the-emails-more-than-once-a-day’ end of the nursery spectrum; serious

e-commerce is just not us, so online ordering, stock availability updates, card payments and so on are not available. Treat this site as you would an old fashioned printed catalogue – use the download button, print it out, read it in the bath, and place an order when you’re good and ready.

Our specialities include Epimedium and Geranium;

Watsonia & other Southern hemisphere Iridaceae,

Anemone, Arisaema, Hedychium, Kniphofia and Thalictrum.

But we always dare to broaden our horizon in offering

new, unusual, rare or exciting plants to our customers.


(Office) Pentamar Crosspark Totnes Devon,TQ95BQ,Devon