CATWatch – RSPB tested and approved

  • 4 June 2021 4:46 pm



CATWatch is the ultrasonic cat deterrent that protects your gardens and garden birds from cats all year round. It is the only cat deterrent tested and approved by the RSPB and for every CATWatch sold in the UK, a donation is made to RSPB Sales Ltd., the trading subsidiary of the RSPB.

CATWatch detects body heat and movement, before emitting ultrasonic bursts that are inaudible to humans, to deter cats. The longer that the unit is in place, the more effective it is.
• Operates day and night in most weather conditions
• Power supply: 1 x 9 volt Duracell battery or for increased performance use the optional mains adaptor (30% louder sound)
• Protects up to 125 sq. m
• 2 year warranty
• 90 day money back guarantee
• Proudly made in Great Britain
• For maximum power and efficiency, purchase our Mains Power Supply adaptor


We are writing to inform you of the great success we have had deterring neighbouring cats from our back and front lawns having installed your CatWatch deterrents.
It is making life much more pleasant when setting out to mow, not having to worry about what you might step in or run the lawn mower over!!! It has also given us the added bonus of encouraging birds into the garden giving us great pleasure.

– Margaret Townsend & Ralph Parker. Christchurch, Dorset

The reason for my letter is to thank you for a brilliant product. Since we installed our CATWatch we have not seen one single cat in our garden, despite there being several cats living in neighbouring houses.We are now able to enjoy feeding the birds without the fear that we maybe luring them into danger.
– Linda Fuller, Hoddesdon, Herts.
